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9:30-10:30AM Sunday School

We offer Sunday school for all ages as well as nursery so that you can attend a Sunday school class that fits your needs.

Two Services: 8:30AM & 10:45AM

Our service is a blend of contemporary, traditional, and choir worship followed by a Bible based message.  Nursery is offered during the service.  Children are welcome to stay in the service, or we offer children's church that dismisses after the first few songs.  

Discipleship Class for Spring Semester

Sunday Nights at 6pm (see dates below)

During the spring semester our church will be studying what is a disciple, and how do we make more. This study includes a study guide, prayer booklet, and a bible study through the Gospel of John. The dates are January 28th, February 25th, March 24th, and April 28th. The adults will meet in the sanctuary and the children will meet in the Fellowship hall. Middle school and High school students willl meet at Fire Pit Rach (590 Foster Mill road)


6:00PM- 7:30 PM Services

  At 6:00PM, the adults meet in the Fellowship Hall for a time of study with Pastor Ozzie , and the choir meets to rehearse. The children meet in the Family Life Center, along with the preschool.  The students meet in The Upper Room which is located on the second floor of the FLC. 

What should I wear?

Here at PBC we welcome all to come and worship as you are. On any given Sunday, there will be people dressed from shorts and jeans to full suits. Come join us wearing whatever makes you feel the most comfortable! 

What is worship like?

Our worship experience here is spirit filled and God centered.  A combination of a choir and band lead in musical worship to prepare our hearts for the message given.  

Where do my kids go?

We love our children!  The baby and toddler classrooms are on the lower floor right outside the sanctuary, while our school-age classrooms are located upstairs. Our Nursery & Toddlers Room are for kiddos birth-3 years old and are available for Sunday School and worship.  The school-age children have Sunday School from 9:30-10:30 AM. Children ages 4, 5, & 6 will go to worship for the first few minutes and will be dismissed for children's church which is located in Room 12 on the main floor. 

Baptist Church


Physical Address

3119 Highway 56  

Pauline, SC 29374

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 220

Pauline, SC 29374 

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Office number: 864.573.9221

@2025 Philadelphia Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.

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